5 Ways a Divorce Attorney Can Help You Mediate a Divorce


Mediation has been gaining in popularity among those getting a divorce for a number of reasons. Mediation is often cheaper than litigating a divorce, may be faster, and allows both parties to have a say in the final outcome.

However, a divorce attorney can help you when you are going through a divorce, even if you first attempt to go through the mediation process. Here are five ways a divorce attorney can help you when mediating a divorce.

1. An Attorney Can Help You Select a Mediator

After you agree to mediation, you need to select a mediator. Both you and your soon-to-be ex have to agree on a mediator to help you through the process. A divorce attorney can recommend professionals to you who are experienced and licensed.

2. An Attorney Can Prepare You for the Mediation Process

Those who have never been through the mediation process before may be unsure as to what they can expect. You may not know what questions a mediator may ask; what to do if you feel emotional, sad, or upset; or what to do if you feel like a compromise is unreachable.

A divorce attorney can help you to prepare for the mediation process. They can provide you with a list of questions you may be asked, tips to help you deal with your emotions, and the steps you should take when negotiating a fair divorce settlement.

3. An Attorney Can Ensure Your Mediation Agreement Is Fair

A mediator is there to help you and your former partner come to a divorce settlement agreement that you both feel is fair. A mediator cannot advise you on what you may or may not be entitled to by law. They are there to guide the process, not provide legal advice.

An attorney can work with you ahead of time to give you insight into what you may be entitled to by law. For example, they can tell you what you would be entitled to by selling the home or how much alimony you may get if the case goes before a judge. This can help you to offer up a settlement agreement that is fair for both parties, without unknowingly agreeing to a settlement that is one-sided or unfair to you.

4. An Attorney Can Review the Agreement for Omissions or Errors

If you have a divorce attorney representing you, the attorney can review the mediation agreement before you sign and finalize it. As they read through the agreement, they will look for errors and omissions. For example, if you and your ex currently have debt, the divorce settlement should state how much debt you have, who is responsible for what debt, and when that debt needs to be paid off.

Looking for errors and omissions helps to ensure that nothing comes up down the road that should have been addressed during the divorce agreement. This allows you both to separate fully from each other.

5. An Attorney Is Familiar With Your Case in Case Mediation Fails

Unfortunately, not every case that goes to mediation can be settled without further legal processes. If your case cannot be mediated, having an attorney who is already familiar with your case can help you to expedite the divorce process in court. You do not have to spend time to find an attorney, and your current attorney already knows what you are looking to gain in the divorce.

Going through a divorce is never easy. Having an attorney who has your best interests at heart can make the process a little easier. If you are preparing to file or in the midst of a divorce in the greater Medford, Oregon area, Hazlett & Associates can help you. Contact us today to get started.

Dylan Rose

I am a photographer and Squarespace designer located in Ashland, OR. I believe that Squarespace design success deeply revolves around the photography for the site which is why I include custom photography in my site builds.


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